Road maintenance projects typically entail either rehabilitation and/or reseal of the road surface, where major and minor repairs are often included.
Rehabilitation projects often require more extensive design investigations, utilising pavement analysis and design software (such as Rubicon) whilst drawing on experience-gained knowledge. Construction work on rehabilitation projects are also more extensive in order to restore functional and structural defects such as riding quality and a severely deteriorated pavement structures, with the addition of a thin surfacing to address surfacing defects such as skid resistance and waterproofing. Reseal projects are typically the addition of only a thin surfacing layer without increasing the pavement bearing capacity.
EFG has a proven track record with several successfully completed road maintenance projects. South Africa’s road network infrastructure is aged and maintenance projects are vital to maintain and improve the structural integrity, functionality and quality of our roads. EFG is proud to be associated with the following major road maintenance projects over the past 5 years.